Rod Private Equity Services

The growth of private equity as a niche sector has been unprecedented. Reaching highest of highs in funds raised, proving itself a cornerstone of the European economy present in every region, and every major business sector across the continent.

At ROD PE, we team up with our divisions – ROD Hotels, ROD Industrial Logistics, ROD Offices, ROD Developments to name a few, to identify such opportunities with the potential to maximize their market share that could potentially create multi-fold returns for our clients.

Investment Strategy

When we team up with businesses, our team of PE specialists first clarifies, prepares, and sets out the client’s preferred strategy. There are multiple approaches we usually consider and work out in detail. Firstly, venture capital investments in start-ups and relatively new entities with huge potential, but a modest history of profitability. The prime reason here is to identify and swell companies that have the potential to fill a gap in the market or snoop up a large market share in an unlocked corner of the industry it is operating in.


Raising funds has never been an easy task as it’s a test of persistence. Plus, as banks have become increasingly reluctant to grant loans, the investee company favors a PE firm to finance its growing business. Individuals with ideas and early-stage companies also benefit from a certain form of private equity investing called venture capital investing. We help portfolio companies get a distinct advantage from such types of investment in a way that they get a hand from much of ROD PE’s senior management that has multifold expertise in implementing various growth strategies to maximize returns for both them and their investors.


Our international team has advised on both, majority and minority ownership investments throughout the years. In either scenario, our methodical approach to maximize the inflow of equity by restructuring or expanding the established to maximize the results even without having a majority vote. Many of our clients prefer this strategy as it requires a smaller investment. Here at ROD PE, we understand that there’s no-one-strategy-fits-all and therefore, we are here to commit ourselves to our clients at every step of the way.


If you plan on the selling of business to realize a successful transformation, or to make an overly diversified portfolio more focused and synergistic and to take advantage of expert administration and executive support, our team can list down the possibilities to make just that happen. Given the success of Rodchinson’s private equity division, and our team’s distinctive expertise when it comes to evaluating, analyzing, and comprehensive advising for our partners on the selling side, helps our clients make tough decisions with ease.

Regulation Advisory

The understanding of the regulatory framework you want to enter or are already operating or get out of is one of the key elements to account for. Our team at ROD PE, advises clients in successfully preparing for the challenges ahead. Our clients come from around the globe motivating us to foresee the regulatory challenges and anticipate the regulatory requirements at the time of structuring a deal as well as stay up to date with national regulations.

Financing Options

We’ve had clients that considered debt as the basis of their transaction and we’ve also had clients that preferred stock options. Needless to say, our team of experts in the division has produced favorable returns for our clients in both the type of transactions. Whichever your preferred route is, our team would be delighted to tell you about the nitty-gritty of both options such as including convertible debt with the debt route and preferred stock, liquidation preference, options, etc. with the equity route.

Valuation Services

Valuations in private equity can be particularly complex, as they differ according to the nature of the investment. Our team can describe the sources of value creation, the structure of the fund, the terms and to project the returns for the investor in the context of analysis. Generally, we eye at things like the track record, trends, the technology they use, intellectual properties, to list a few, and make critical assessments of the value potential making sure our clients get the most for their money. Our global team has substantial expertise and insight into business valuation across the various sectors.

Portfolio Company Services

At ROD PE, we believe the key to successful risk management is to be programmatic with your buying strategy and selective divestitures to frequently maneuver portfolios toward better industry exposure and assets. The ROD PE team helps our clients prepare assets for sale to curtail risks and shape the remaining business to flourish. We also provide tax, assurance, and advisory services to support portfolio companies with their perfection goals as well as regulatory compliance requirements. Working adjoint to our partners at ROD M&A, leaders in portfolio management, we can lend guidance to aid you to augment your post-integration experience, operations, tax strategy, IT, and other drivers of robust earnings.

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Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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